Terms and Conditions of Use for Shelley Paulson Photography

Last Updated on 6/1/23

NOTICE: These Terms and Conditions of Use are legally binding. It is Your responsibility to read these Terms and Conditions of Use carefully prior to purchase, use, or access of any of Our products, including online courses.


This website is owned and operated by Summerset Studio, Inc. dba Shelley Paulson Photography, a Minnesota company. Our principal place of business is located at 2027 30th St SE Buffalo, MN.

You must be at least thirteen years of age to use Our website. Use of this website is at Your own risk. We host Our site on a reputable platform and take reasonable efforts to maintain and host the site. However, We make no explicit representations or warranties as to the safety of Your individual use of the website. The Terms and Conditions contained on this page are subject to change at any time.