It's time to stop spending endless hours in front of your computer and get back to doing what you love.

You became a photographer so you could take photos. Instead, you find yourself chained to a computer, frustrated that it takes so long to get from start to finish with a photo shoot. And the worst part? You're not growing your business because you simply don't have more time.

I can help! Over the 18+ years, I've been a professional photographer, I've created a system for an efficient, accurate, rapid workflow that has allowed me to scale my business to six figures without adding staff.

With this Rapid Workflow, I can cull, edit, and upload a full session in less than 2 hours and also create sneak peek images ready for upload in a matter of minutes.

In this course, I will guide you step-by-step through my Rapid Workflow including how I name and organize files and folders, my backup strategies, each step of my photography workflow (except for editing images). The course also includes a bonus video on how to resize and watermark your images for social media in a single step.

You can use my entire workflow, or take the parts that work for you to speed up your own workflow so you can save time and be more profitable!

Can you relate to any of these?

  • "I have no work/life balance because I'm spending all my time at the computer."

    When you have an inefficient workflow, each photo shoot takes too much time and leaves you with little time to enjoy your life.

  • "My file system is a mess and I can't find anything."

    Without a consistent system of file management and a solid backup strategy, you are one mistake away from losing important work.

  • "I can't grow my business because I'm too busy to add more clients."

    As a solo-entrepreneur, your profitability is only limited by your time and a slow workflow will keep you from growing.

Why You Need a Rapid Workflow

Stop wasting time and get started with my Rapid Workflow.

With the Rapid Workflow Course, you will learn a time-tested system that will take the guesswork out of workflow so you can:

  • Speed up your workflow so you can spend less time at the computer and more time doing what you love.
  • Develop a predictable, efficient system that will give you consistency and help you cut down on errors. .
  • Be more profitable by spending less time on each photo shoot.

Here's what you will learn in the Rapid Workflow Course

  • Workflow Overview - How my workflow works and why it's so much faster than the rest.

  • Software in my Workflow - The three primary applications I use and why.

  • File Management - How I organize hard drives, folders and files so you can quickly and easily find the files you need.

  • Photography Workflow - From session preparation to client delivery, I walk you through each step of my photo shoot workflow: Prepare > Create > Download > Back Up > Cull > Import > Edit > Export > Upload.

  • Bonus: Sneak Peek and Watermarking Workflow - How to quickly choose, edit, save and watermark files for a quick client sneak peek the day after a session.

Bonus Material

In addition to the instructional videos, you will receive these bonus items.

  • Course Workbook

    A printable PDF workbook with screenshots and key points from the course to make it easier to implement the Rapid Workflow.

  • Sneak Peek & Watermarking Workflow

    A bonus video on how quickly choose, edit, save and watermark files for a client sneak peek the day after a session.

  • Session Preparation Checklist

    A checklist you can put on your phone and review each time you are preparing for a session so you don't forget anything.


What other photographers are saying about this course!

"Simple and Effective"

Jessie Collins, Jessie Collins Photography

"Leaning and implementing Shelley's workflow was a game-changer for me and just what my tornado of an unorganized ADHD brain needed! Simple and effective it has helped me save so much time so I can do the things I love!"

"I’m able to manage and edit pictures exponentially faster."

Leigh Whittington, Lee Whittington Photography

"Shelley’s photography workflow has made a huge difference in my efficiency! I’m able to manage and edit pictures exponentially faster now, which leaves more time for the fun parts of photography! It’s also helped me relax, knowing exactly what to do next, and not worry about forgetting something."

"Shelley’s workflow has freed me to be more creative."

by Jill Brammer, Jill Brammer Photography

"Shelley’s workflow has been a Godsend! When I met Shelley my workflow system wasn’t organized and I spent way too much time on the computer doing things I didn’t enjoy. Using Shelley’s workflow has freed me to be more creative because I’m not wasting time and mental energy. I now have an efficient system and more time!"

"(It) helped me increase my post-processing speed and turnaround time"

"The rapid workflow course has really helped me increase my post-processing speed and turnaround time! Shelley goes into great detail about the programs she uses, why she uses them, and how they can be used most efficiently. She then demonstrates her post-shoot workflow process, including how she is able to quickly share sneak peeks!"


  • Is this course only for Equestrian Photographers?

    No! While my niche is equestrian, any photographer in any genre who wants to learn a faster workflow would benefit from this course.

  • Do you show how you edit your photos in this course?

    This course only covers workflow, which doesn't include the actual color correction and retouching of photos.

  • What software is needed to implement this workflow?

    The primary programs I use in my workflow are Photo Mechanic, Lightroom, and Photoshop. For this course, I focus mainly on Photo Mechanic and Lightroom. I show how to do some of the more critical steps in both programs, but using Photo Mechanic will speed your workflow, so I recommend giving it a try! Download a 30 Day Trial of Photo Mechanic

  • Does it matter if I use a Mac or PC?

    I am a Mac user, so the demonstrations in the video are done using a Mac, but all of the software is also available on a PC and the workflow steps would be the same.

  • Does this course include any 1:1 mentoring?

    This is a standalone course separate from my mentorship program. If you would like any personal mentoring on video, you can schedule a 1:1 video mentoring session if you need more individualized instruction.